Star Trek Discovery Finds the Future

This is a review of Season 3 of Star Trek Discovery (DSC), and believe it or not it’s mostly positive. I guess I like this show because I’ve kept following it since the beginning, albeit complaining that it could be better. If you want to take a journey back into my writing about Discovery in this blog follow this Star Trek tag. The posts that have “Discovery” in the title contain my thoughts going back to Season 1. Continue reading

Revisiting Star Trek Picard

Remember the hype? There was such anticipation and buildup for Star Trek Picard last year; it was touted as both a groundbreaking ten episodes of new television and a continuation of an old character. It seems so long ago because it first dropped around the time the Covid-19 pandemic hit America. I had high hopes for Picard myself, and I planned to review it but never got around to it. Maybe that alone speaks volumes, but the show is still on my mind along with many ideas about where Star Trek has gone these days, so I thought I’d finally make good on my promise to write a review here.  Continue reading

Star Trek Discovery, In the Pale Moonlight

After getting home from traveling, I used a free week of CBS All Access to binge Star Trek Discovery. This is a spoiler review of the second season that harkens back to a great episode of Deep Space Nine called In the Pale Moonlight. There’s major spoilers including picking apart some of the Discovery plot points. If you really like the show, this take probably isn’t for you, but if you’re more critical about your sci-fi, read on. Spoilers abound.
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Star Trek Discovery Versus The Orville

If you follow Star Trek on Facebook, it has become a tiring spectacle to see self-professed fans of The Orville troll Star Trek Discovery (DSC) posts. There’s lots of whining and complaining about how Discovery isn’t ‘true’ Star Trek and The Orville is more like Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG). In American culture today, it seems like idiots are trying to force us to take sides on everything, and that’s a shame. There’s no need to suffer like idiots. Continue Reading

Star Trek Re-Discovery

I just finished streaming the first season of Star Trek Discovery with a free week of CBS All Access on Amazon. This is a personal review of the show and thoughts connected to ‘Trek’— spoilers ahead. Let me say up front, lest I sound a bit arrogant or fan-boyish, that once upon a time I pitched stories to Michael Taylor when he was an Executive Producer on Star Trek: Voyager. It’s the closest I ever got to being somebody of note. Continue Reading

My Hollywood Career

Way back when, I had a brief Hollywood career. I wrote a few Star Trek spec scripts and one of them got noticed by the producers of Voyager. (Back then you could sign a waiver and actually send scripts to the show.) So I got invited to pitch a few stories by phone to Michael Taylor (an Executive Producer who later worked on Battlestar Galactica). I pitched 5 stories, none of which were bought, but I got invited to pitch again. Full of confidence (or something) I decided to move to Hollywood and make a go of it, figuring it might be better to pitch in person. Continue Reading

Deep Space Nine!

I just finished watching the whole series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on Netflix. It took me three months to get through all 7 seasons. This blog post isn’t a review of the show but more about what DS9 means in my life.

I first watched DS9 during its original run, watching every episode in weekly syndication, but I hadn’t watched a single episode again since then. Revisiting it has made me nostalgic and helped me to see where a lot of my mores and ways of relating come from. Continue Reading